Thursday, 3 December 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

November 28, 2014 was a big day for Star Wars fans across the world. The franchise released its first teaser of the highly anticipated movie. Back in 2012, when The Walt Disney Company bought Lucasfilms they announced the release of Star Wars Episode VII. This had peoples minds spinning, a Disney Star Wars movie? Is Mickey going to fight Vader in a battle of who can count the highest? How is anyone going to live up to the writing styles of George Lucas. Luckily when the movie was announced they said the films to come will be based on Lucas' treatments. He was also there as a consultant during the early stages of production of Episode VII.

Slowly releasing teasers and trailers Disney has built up quite the hype. In Episode VII we follow a new set of characters, Finn, Rey and Poe Dameron. This movie is based approximately 30 years after the events in Return of the Jedi. One character that is going to be seen again is Han Solo played by the one and only Harrison Ford.

This is not the final Star Wars film, two others have been announced. Some cast members and directors have been announced for Episodes VIII and IX. VIII is said to be released in 2017 and IX in 2019. Episode VII hits the big screen in Norther America on December 18, 2015. May the force be with you this holiday.