Back in 2011 Nike released its first addition of the Nike Mag. Once the word spread, it had all kids who grew up on the Back to the Future Trilogy going crazy. The smart thing Nike did was made them incredibly exclusive, which enticed the sneakerheads of the world. Only 1,500 pair would be released and they would be auctioned off on eBay with the proceeds going to the Michael J. Fox foundation. Sergey Brin, co-founder of google, said he would match the donation up to $50 million. "We wanted to translate the excitement people have for the 'greatest shoe never made' and for the Back to the Future into positive action," said Mark Parker, CEO of Nike. "But the long term objective is to raise awareness so the Foundation can achieve their goal of eradicating Parkinson's disease." With Nike raising just over $4.7 million and Sergey's matching contribution they gave $9.4 million to the Michael J. Fox Foundation. These shoes were extremely hard to get just because there were so limited and they were selling for thousands of dollars, but than you had people like Kid Cudi who were buying 5 pairs. He went on Conan telling him that he bought 4 for himself and 1 pair for his girlfriend.
October 21st,
2015 Marty McFly went into the future. From flying cars to hoover
boards Robert Zemeckis, the director of Back to the Future, was a
little off, he was right about one thing though. Self-lacing shoes
are a reality, maybe not in 2015 but in the spring of 2016. Michael
J. Fox went on Jimmy Kimmel debuting the new and improved,
self-lacing, Nike Air Mags. They are said to be released in the same
fashion as the 2011s with only 1,500 pairs being auctioned off on
eBay. Nike hasn’t given us an exact date, just an approx. spring